
What to look for in YOUR exercise equipment

When buying home exercise equipment, you need to keep a lot of things in mind. These are some tricks and tips you can keep in mind while shopping.

1.)What do you have in mind?
What do you want to do with your equipment?. Deciding on the right kind of equipment and how much you're willing to spend on it is very crucial. Before you go and decide on something with little to no though, stop and think. Is it right for me? Do I want a cardio machine? Do I want to lose weight? am I trying to gain muscle?
Pick a machine appropriate for you.

2.) What do you want to pay?
Always get the best machine for the money, always. The worst feeling in the world is when you make a big purchase only to be unsatisfied with its results. Do your homework! Look up reviews and reports on a product in your price range before you buy.

3.)Where's it gonna go?
Where can you put the equipment in your home? Do you have room for it?
If you don't have a lot of room, consider something portable. This way, when you are finished using your equipment, you can stow it away or even bring it with you if need be. Keep your usable open space in mind.

4.)There is a such thing as "too good to be true"
If a certain machine is marketed with the promise of losing tons of weight or gaining tons of muscle in minutes, perhaps you should reconsider. Go with the classic, honest, hard-work method. See what people have been using for years, look for the "trusty-old-fashion" models of machines. Find what works, not what exaggerates.


Pilates: Popular and Efficient

You may be a person with very simple goals. Maybe you want to get into shape and you want to do it fast! Pilates are your answer, they are simple, quick, and effective. Pilates are fun and easy, not to mention that the equipment is INCREDIBLY affordable. You'll end up paying about 90% (or more!!) less than you would for typical home gym equipment. All you'll really need is an insturctional DvD or video, a couple of cheap pieces of equipment (like a simple exercise ball or piece of latex for abdominal exercises) and determination. Although pilates tend not to be as intense as other home-gym activities, they certain will get the job done with the proper technique, healthy diet, and dedication.

In short: If your exercise budget is low (less than fifty dollars) you should certainly look into pilates as an alternative.


Treadmills Vs Ellipticals

Sometimes, no matter what machine you're looking to buy, it won't always be cheap. For effective weight loss, strength training, or endurance training, you need to find out which machine is best at all three.

The most popular machines out there for cardiovascular workouts are of course, the treadmill and the elliptical, but which is better for you ? This has been a touchy subject for ages now. However, when it comes to which is better for you, it's really all about preference.

Both machines can be equally effective as far as burning calories, if used correctly. The treadmill is usually the preferred choice by athletes because of its realistic running experience, that is, the legs certainly will feel the real running experience (aches and pains that go away with more running, as well as being more difficult in general) which the elliptical does not offer. However, the elliptical is probably the preferred choice of people wishing to lose weight or simply gain cardiovascular strength without the extra effort of a true jog.

So when it comes right down to it, it's all about preference!
Which do you prefer and why?
Make decisions based on what YOU like.

The brand: Does it really matter?

It certainly does!
"Classic" Brands such as Gold's Gym, Bowflex, and others tend to be built with some of the best quality that can be found in exercise equipment. If you are unsure, visit your nearest sports equipment store and try out the different home fitness machines. You will find that typically, the more prestigious the brand name is, the more powerful, practical, and useful the machine will be. In any case, you need to do your homework and make sure you know what it is that YOU'RE interested in. Be sure to look closely and thoroughly.

The infamous Ab Wheel

Ah, yes, the generic yet somehow incredibly intense Ab wheel. Ab wheels are a very unique piece of exercise equipment. The ab wheel is tremendously difficult to conquer, I won't lie. However, if you can manage to tame this mighty beast, the rewards are great. At prices close to $10 USD, the ab wheel is hard for most exercise enthusiasts NOT to buy. I had gotten one myself a few years ago. It certainly was difficult at first, but with the right training and attitude, I was able to use it. If I can do it, anyone can.


Abdominal Machines and Exercises

I don't have a lot of experience with abdominal machines besides commercial equipment, but I can tell you what I do know. In my opinion, the most effective abdominal equipment out there comes in the form of either a crunch machine with adjustable weight, or from an assisted incline bench. Both exercises need to be done in moderation and with the appropriate weight settings, but I know for sure, over time, they get the job done right.


Stretch Bands! (Resistance Bands) Pilates Equipment Information

While resistance bands are one of the less popular methods of doing pilates and other smaller exercises, the money (hardly any) spent getting one... well let's just say the price of some larger machines simply won't compare! I've used the stretch (resistance) bands before and I love them, even as a guy. That's right, pilates aren't just a girl thing. The amount of resistance you can get using just your own body weight while doing abdominal exercises is absolutely perfect! Accompanied with basic instruction, you can really get a lot done with one of these. Seriously consider it, they're a ton of fun!


BowFlex : Does it live up to the reputation?

Many people have asked over the years if the Bowflex line of home gym equipment truly lives up to its name. This is a very interesting question. I have tried the Bowflex home gym, as well as the Bowflex dumbbell set, and I must admit, I was impressed. The unique style of changing weights is incredibly smooth and easy to handle. The home gym allowed for a very natural flow during all sorts of exercises, including the more difficult abdominal and back exercises. Exercising was actually slightly more enjoyable in most cases because of the quality of the product. The Bowflex line of home gym equipment tends to be versatile, easy to use and manage, and just over-all, be well worth its cost.

Crunches alone will not get your Six-Pack

You need a healthy diet as well. (Ahhhh diet! Run awayyyyy!) No, seriously, everyone. A healthy diet or at least a diet consisting of little to no unnecessary fat is essential to making your stomach flat and toned. Exercise alone will not get the job done. This makes sense doesn't it? It's like having a giant garden with no soil. You can water the plants all day long, but they'll never grow without the soil. It's the same idea.


Keeping fit at all ages. It's important!

Maybe you're an older person. Maybe you're very overweight. Maybe you've given up on any sort of daily exercise.


DON'T GIVE UP! Exercise at any age is absolutely 100% essential to maintaining a good quality of life! Your exercise can be as simple as a walk through the park or doing some gardening a few hours a week. As long as you are moving around, you can consider it exercise. Not exercising at all leads to serious health issues and simply promotes negative health issues. People who do not exercise are much more likely to need assisted living environments at older ages.

Don't just do it for your physical health, but for your mental health as well. If you haven't had exercise in a long time, when you exercise, you'll feel as if you've taken a brilliantly refreshing shower after a long day working in the mud.

So try it out. Make sure you get your exercise today.


Can't Afford Personal Training?

We've all heard of terrific personal trainers that anyone can hire to help them along in the process of getting fit, strength training, or anything else, really. But sometimes they can be just downright expensive. A lot of people can't afford the hourly rate of a personal trainer.

Well, here are some cheaper alternatives, for those of you who still need the extra push but just can't afford the extra bill:

*Train with a Buddy

Training with a friend seems like a no-brainer alternative, but it's amazing how much the idea is scoffed at. Think about it. Remember back in third grade, we all had to do the "mile" run? The only thing keeping us from walking was the fact that our friends were still running!

* Training on the Go:
Why not buy an exercise DvD or two? They're cheap, they don't need to be paid, and they always show up ready to go! If you can't afford the gym or a trainer, look into either training videos or pilates videos.

*Take notes at the gym:

Trust me, it isn't as embarrassing as it sounds. There were plenty of time in the gym where I simply didn't know the best way to do something. I'd either watch or even ask someone who looked really great at whatever it was. Be social, you'll be surprised how friendly people can be at the gym!


Eating Healthy Can Dynamically Change Your Life

Eating healthy isn't counting calories. Eating healthy isn't about counting carbs or portions or anything even close to that. Eating healthy means eating smart. Knowing what to eat, when, and when to stop. Eating healthy means eating a wide variety of foods with solid self-control.

When people eat healthy, they generally find that they can eat a wide variety of foods. Lean meats, fruits, and vegetables are just some examples.

When eating healthier foods, many notice that their overall attitude changes. I myself have been stuck in the endless fast-food cycle, and it isn't a good feeling. When you can make a promise to yourself to eat healthier, you will instantly feel a difference.

Try cooking for yourself. Make sure you include good oils, meats, vegetables, fruits, and some dairy.

If you absolutely, positively must eat out, try to go for healthier items, such as small subs without mayo. Mustard is a great alternative to mayo, but you have to watch out for its sodium content!

Do your homework. Find out what foods are good for you, what YOU need in YOUR life.

All in all, eating healthier always leads to a happier life. Always.